Sunday, January 10, 2010

Grandma Dougoveto's Chicken & Dumplings

Can be made with either leftover chicken or turkey.

Stew Directions:
Cut 4-5 carrots diagonally in chunks. Cook in about an inch of water until tender (20-30 minutes).
Add pieces of chicken or turkey and one can of cream of chicken soup. Rinse out can with water and add to mixture if desired (more water can always be added as wanted).
Bring to a boil and drop dumplings on top. Put cover on, set to a low simmer, and cook 6 minutes. The stew should boil so as to steam dumplings, but try NOT to burn the bottom of the dumplings.

Dumplings (to be dropped by the tbsp.-full onto the stew):
3/4 cup Flour
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Salt ("perhaps")
1 tbsp. melted Butter
"about" 1/3 cup Milk ("I often use evaporated milk.")

Mix together. Add milk as needed so that is the correct consistency for sticking together.


  1. The above proportions make like 6 small dumplings...right now that barely fed the 5 of us...I would strongly recommend doubling the dumpling batch amount.

  2. Also (this is Marya)...this was perfect/easy/fast with the crock pot; cook about 4 boneless chicken breasts (sprinkle with garlic salt, pepper, thyme, and rosemary) with about 6 carrots (peeled and in 1 in. pieces)in the crock pot on low. When ready, just use two forks to break the breasts up as much as possible. Scoop out chicken/carrots with slotted to skillet, and proceed as it says with cream of chicken soup...


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